Sunday, August 30, 2009

Beautiful Day in North Branch

Have you ever heard of North Branch, Michigan? I hadn't until last week when we visited the lovely home of Mr. Edward May as part of a location scouting for our current film project, Politics of Street Crime.

Jim Howey gave us the lead to Mr. May's estate in North Branch. (Check it out on

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Can Bad Acting Cause Transmission Trouble? PART 2

I heard about an actor who couldn't drive and act at the same time. Sounds like the punch line to a joke, but it's true! Oh, wait! I've already told you about this.

Details are sketchy but I did hear that the actor in question has been brought down a peg by the incident and is now much easier to work with.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Can Bad Acting Cause Transmission Trouble?

Possibly. I heard of an incident in which an actor was suspected of ruining a transmission. This occurred during a scene in which the actor was required to act while driving.

Oy, vey!